Let’s explore some of the program electives you may want to take this June, July or August during your on-campus program experience with Summer Springboard.

College Prep:
This elective pairs well with SSB’s True You activity and gives additional insight into your discoveries about what types of careers or schools could be a good fit for you.
Want to up your IG game?
This elective addresses aesthetic principles as they relate to composition, space, exposure, light and color.
Basic digital manipulations of images will be taught in preparation for creating a photo portfolio.
Outdoor Athletics:
For student athletes or those with extra energy to burn, space and supervision will be provided outside for running, jumping, or bodyweight workouts.
Life Skills:
Take a crash course in adulting!
Learn fundamental skills in money and account management, as well as some basics of nutrition and mental health.
If you’re feeling ill equipped for life away from home, this could be a gamechanger.
Public Speaking:
Speaking confidently in front of an audience is a skill not to be underestimated!
Learn techniques to lessen your anxiety, and the use of visual aids to enhance speaker presentations.
Practice with speeches to your peers and provide feedback to others to help fine-tune your delivery.
Community Service:
Work with a local organization on a project that directly impacts the community.
This is a great option for those looking to give back and get to know the local community a bit better.
Specific projects and partner organizations will vary depending on your campus and session.