Join us each weekend to learn more from a variety of our instructors. Join these short no-cost 1 hour sessions to get a small taste of what you can expect to learn while you participate in one of these courses this summer!
Saturday February 3: Finance & Investing with Dr. Artem Joukov
12:30-1:30pm EST
This summer Dr. Joukov will be teaching our Finance & Investing course on the campus of Barnard College, Columbia University. Dr. Artem M. Joukov, a professor of Finance at Wenzhou-Kean University in China, initially pursued a legal career in the United States before transitioning to academia.
Saturday February 3: Psychology & Neuroscience with Dr. Sikoya Ashburn
12:30-1:30pm EST
This summer Dr. Ashburn will be teaching our Psychology & Neuroscience course on the campus of Duke University. Sikoya M. Ashburn, PhD is a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel. She is a Duke (B.S. in Neuroscience) and Georgetown (Ph.D. in Neuroscience) alum.
Sunday February 4: Nursing with Ashley Wimmer, BSN-RN
12:30-1:30pm EST
This summer Ashely will be teaching our Nursing course on the campus of Duke University. Ashley Wimmer, BSN-RN is a registered emergency nurse at Piedmont Atlanta. She is a Colorado University at Boulder (B.S. in Neuroscience) and Denver College of Nursing (B.S. in Nursing) alum.
Saturday February 17: Business & Entrepreneurship with Kyle Bergman
12:30-1:30pm EST
This summer Kyle will be teaching our Business & Entrepreneurship course on the campus of Georgetown University. Meet Kyle, the Chief Swoveralls Officer and founder of Swoveralls, a direct-to-consumer lifestyle brand dedicated to creating the world’s comfiest apparel products from sustainably sourced materials. Kyle is a graduate of NYU’s MBA program and holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Drexel University.
Saturday February 17: Marine Biology with Fernanda Urrutia
12:30-1:30pm EST
This summer Fernanda will be teaching our Marine Biology course on the campus of UC San Diego. Fernanda Urrutia is a highly motivated marine ecologist and environmentalist with a strong interest in marine mammal conservation issues. Currently, Fernanda is a Marine Biology PhD candidate at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, where she focuses her research on the molecular ecology of fin whales in the North Pacific.
Sunday February 18: Journalism with Max Kalnitz
12:30-1:30pm EST
This summer Max will be teaching our Journalism course on the campus of Barnard College, Columbia University. Max Kalnitz is an award-winning multimedia journalist and social media strategist based in Brooklyn, NY, whose work has appeared in Billboard, The Nation, and Insider, among other outlets.
Sunday February 18: Ecology & Environmental Science with Anais Voski
12:30-1:30pm EST
This summer Anais will be teaching our Ecology & Environmental Science course on the campus of UC Berkeley. Anaïs Voski is a PhD candidate in Environment & Resources (E-IPER) at Stanford University. She holds a MSc in Environmental Sciences from the Central European University and a Master of Philosophy in International Studies from the University of Cambridge.