Title: Program Director for UCLA and UCSD programs.
Hometown: Connecticut, born and raised!
Educational Background: BS in Accounting, Minor in Criminal Justice
Years with SSB: 2.5
Q. How did you find Summer Springboard, and what inspired you to join the team?
A. I wound up working at Summer Springboard via a very circuitous route. I originally wanted to work in federal law enforcement, investigating white-collar crime and public corruption. However, in college, I worked as a Resident Assistant (RA) and fell in love with that type of role. I really enjoyed being able to foster a community for everyone on my floor and help their transition from high school to college feel as comforting as possible by being a friendly face and someone anyone could talk to if they wanted. I found out I could do this full-time after I graduated in the form of a Residence Hall Director (RHD) position found on most college/university campuses – a full time university employee that oversees a residence hall in it’s entirety: staff supervision, student conduct, community building, etc. I worked as an RHD for four years until COVID hit, which drastically diminished the community engagement aspect that I enjoyed so much. At the time, I had a colleague who was on a 10-month employment contract with the university we worked at, which meant she had the summer free. She applied to work a seasonal role at Summer Springboard’s Boston location, and listed me as a reference. I looked into the company, decided to submit an application myself, was hired on as the Assistant Campus Director for the Boston program, and have been working for Summer Springboard ever since – and love it! It’s a great blend of community development and engagement, with being able to get creative in planning worthwhile and valuable programs for our students.
Q. If you had to name one, what’s your favorite part about working for SSB/Terra Education?
A. The people are an absolute blast to work with, and an amazing team of individuals. We have fun with what we do, and incorporate a great deal of passion and effort into the programs we organize.
Q. Best memory from last summer?
A. Chiefly, being on-site at the programs I oversee and being able to see all the hard work and effort come to fruition. On a smaller scale…I’m a sucker for dining hall food – pizza, pizza, pizza! In my opinion, UCLA’s dining hall pizza is the winner.
Q. When you’re not at work, what hobbies do you enjoy?
A. Mainly, flying! I earned my Private Pilot Certificate back in 2021, and have been flying recreationally ever since. Aviation is a huge passion of mine. I fly a Piper Warrior (PA-28-161). Outside of that, I enjoy movies, board and card games with friends, and exploring the outdoors! Love kayaking and hiking.