Data Journalism

Collect, analyze, and share data through impactful and engaging visualization techniques

Program Highlights

Gain data journalism skills investigating yourself
Create personalized visualizations based on data points like sleep patterns and personal goals
Create interactive digital displays using off-the-shelf software and web-based services

Residential Tuition:


Session 2:
July 14, 2024 July 26, 2024


Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly SLO - San Luis Obispo, CA

Course Overview

Learn the fundamental skills of data journalism by collecting and organizing information to create eye-catching and impactful visualizations to explore and share the data. The growth of digital media
and technology have facilitated the collection and storing of data. Whereas traditional journalism features personal interviews and experience, data journalism uses analysis and visualization techniques to share stories and information. In this course, students will gain data skills by investigating themselves.

Meet your instructor

Pat Howe

Data Journalism Cal Poly SLO

Patrick worked as an investigative reporter and political correspondent in Washington D.C. and statehouse newsrooms for outlets including The Associated Press and the Arkansas Democrat Gazette.

Learn more

Topics you'll explore

Course Structure

There are nine 3-hour class sessions over the two-week course. During week one, students have class from 9am-12pm, Monday - Friday. During the week two students have class from 9am-12pm Monday through Thursday. Wednesday afternoons are dedicated to additional academic time (excursions, speakers).

Hands on Learning

See how personalized information is gathered in a trip to a Cal Poly eye-tracking and game-development laboratory. Guest speaker and Politico data editor talks about how he gathers data and creates data visualizations used by millions.

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Summer Springboard Pre-College Summer Program