Marketing Bootcamp at Cal Poly SLO

Students will learn how to create a campaign to market products in any industry.

Program Highlights

Bring an online business idea to life by analyzing the target market's needs and wants.
Learn about creative materials that can be used to capitalize on various distribution channels for a product's target market.
Gain exposure to important branding guidelines for a variety of materials one can use to market their products.
Learn how to evaluate various marketing designs to create cost-effective advertising to get your product to the market.

Residential Tuition:


Session 1:
June 22, 2025 July 4, 2025


Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly SLO - San Luis Obispo, CA

Course Overview

This course is THE course for any student who is interested in starting their own online business. In this course students will learn how to create a campaign to market products in any industry of their choosing. In this marketing bootcamp, students will cover all of the core concepts of marketing. They will begin with the creative process (ideation), discuss all of the various distribution channels to market their product, create their consumer persona, determine what the Total Available Market (TAM) size is for their business, and perform the necessary targeting analytics. Their work will culminate in producing some highly personalized marketing materials using Adobe InDesign and variable data/personalization campaigns.

Meet your instructor

Dina Vees, MFA

Marketing Bootcamp Cal Poly SLO

Dina Vees earned her Bachelor of Science in Graphic Communication from Carroll University and a Master of Fine Arts in Media Design from Full Sail University. Her teaching and research interests are Prepress, workflow automation, variable data, marketing, and HTML/CSS/JavaScript.

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Topics you'll explore

Course Structure

There are nine 3-hour class sessions over the two-week course. During week one, students have class from 9am-12pm, Monday - Friday. During week two, students have class from 9am-12pm Monday through Thursday. Wednesday afternoons are dedicated to additional academic time (excursions, speakers).

Career Exploration

Students in this course will get a chance to meet with marketing professionals in the industry. Students have visited a local marketing firm and toured a printing facility to see firsthand what it looks like to print marketing materials.

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