Real Estate Investment

An in-depth overview of a career in real estate development

Program Highlights

Understand the key roles and responsibilities of real estate developers in creating, managing, and revitalizing property
Provided with the foundation of the real estate development process, including the various stages and key players involved
Explore different financing methods and sources for real estate development projects
Learn how to conduct market research to identify opportunities and trends in real estate markets
Discuss the importance of environmental, ethical, and risk management considerations in modern development and investment

Residential tuition:

Commuter Tuition:


July 21, 2024 August 2, 2024


University of Washington
Seattle, WA


  • "I’ve done other programs like this before, but this one was far better than any other. I felt a real connection to all the staff and felt comfortable discussing my problems with them. I loved my class as it gave me new insights into what I might do in the future, and lastly it introduced me to new people who I hope to stay in contact with for years to come."

    Jeremy T.

  • "I felt so welcomed by my peers and staff at this program, and I am so excited for a real college experience!"

    Carter G.

Course Overview

Seattle has become an attractive market for real estate investors due to its economic growth, job opportunities, lifestyle appeal, housing demand, and education and research institutions, making U of W a wonderful place to learn about real estate. Real estate is a quickly growing multidisciplinary field, where students will walk away with the knowledge of vast career opportunities in the field and a developed sense of entrepreneurship.

Topics you'll explore

Course Structure

There are nine 3-hour class sessions over the two-week course. During week one, students have class from 9am-12pm, Monday - Friday. During week two, students have class from 9am-12pm Monday through Thursday. Wednesday afternoons are dedicated to additional academic time (excursions, speakers).

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Summer Springboard Pre-College Summer Program