The Art of Photography

Develop a portfolio of images as you explore historical processes, modern technology, printing, and lighting

Program Highlights

Create photographs using a variety of cameras; from large format film to digital.
Explore making paper, film, and digital negatives.
Print new photographs in old historical processes as well as digital output.
Use professional studio lights for photo shoots.

Residential Tuition:


Session 2:
July 14, 2024 July 26, 2024


Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly SLO - San Luis Obispo, CA


  • "My experience was unforgettable. I enjoyed all the activities, classes, and friends I met. With that being said, Summer Springboard really served as an eye opener for me. SSB has taught me what college will be like, from home sickness to adapting to new environments. In all this was an unforgettable experience and I have no regrets coming..."

    Michael T.

  • "This experience was very rewarding. I gained a lot of independence and really learned a lot, I would definitely to this program again."

    Julia J.

  • "I enjoyed getting a taste of the college experience and meeting new people. Both the mentors and the students were very friendly."

    Mia M.

Course Overview

The Art of Photography is a two-week deep dive into the many facets of the photography field. Students will work with historical processes like cyanotypes and large format cameras as well as modern digital cameras, printers, and professional studio lighting. Through technical activities, students will learn new, expressive ways to create images. At the end of the session, students will have a portfolio of new images, but more importantly, new ideas for continuing their own photographic journey.

Meet your instructor

Jeff Van Kleeck, MFA

Art of Photography Cal Poly SLO

Jeff has a range of photographic experiences including working as a professional custom photography printer, exhibiting photography in galleries, publishing in books and magazines, and photographing for clients like the Hard Rock Cafe.

Learn more

Topics you'll explore

Course Structure

There are nine 3-hour class sessions over the two-week course. During week one, students have class from 9am-12pm, Monday - Friday. During week two, students have class from 9am-12pm Monday through Thursday. Wednesday afternoons are dedicated to additional academic time (excursions, speakers).

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Summer Springboard Pre-College Summer Program