Virtual Reality Online

Summer Immersion Academy

In Partnership with iXperience

Program Highlights

Analyze the best examples of virtual reality (VR) games and products to discover why they're successful and why some are failures through failure analysis.
Learn the essentials of world design - how to add details, effects, lighting, textures, layers, and materials.
Learn the fundamentals of VR interaction, such as how to place and transform different world geometries and allow users to interact using in-world physics.
Learn the Unity development platform to create unique virtual reality and mixed reality experiences.
Prototype, test, and refine a game of your own with rules you define.
virtual reality

Online Tuition:


Session 2:
July 3, 2023 July 13, 2023 6am - 9am PDT | 9am - 12pm EDT



Course Overview

Once confined to the realm of science fiction, virtual reality (VR) is now revolutionizing sectors as diverse as entertainment, business, education, and healthcare. The VR industry is evolving at a rapid rate and new platforms and capabilities are constantly emerging. The industry heavy hitters like Google, Microsoft, and Meta are increasingly focusing on this amazing technology and the opportunities it offers.

Students in this innovative college-level course in partnership with iXperience will apply newly gained skills to a hands-on project by prototyping, testing, and refining a game of their own design with rules they define. While specific briefs vary from course to course, all of the projects are selected to perfectly complement the skills covered in class and enable students to create their own virtual reality experience. They will also earn a Certificate of Virtual Reality bootcamp course completion from an expert teacher. No prior VR experience required for this course.

Open to any high school student who will be entering freshman, sophomore, junior or senior year in Fall 2023. Space is limited. Each session is limited to 35 students per track.

Classes will be held via Zoom and facilitated in real-time by the instructor and a classroom coordinator.

Meet your instructor

Gerard Slee

Previous instructor and industry specialist

Gerard is a digital nomad, creative concluder and spatial prototypist. He has studied at various institutions throughout South Africa and worked on a number of large International architectural projects and competition proposals.

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Topics you'll explore

Real World Class Project

Students will be guided in their project work by their Head Teacher and possibly their Teaching Assistants (TAs). Every day the instructional staff will hold office hours for students to use for assistance with their course-specific work and class project. On the final day of class, every group will present their project and recommendations. Previous project partners included SAOTA, a leading firm of architects that has a global footprint on six continents.

The focus of this partner is how to utilize the most current computer technology in its design process to both understand and communicate their designs for clients. Being world leaders in the use of Revit, they have utilized VR tools in their design process. Previous students worked with SAOTA's technology team to translate architectural designs into 3D-rendered virtual spaces for clients to explore prior to the physical commencement of their project on the ground.

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Summer Springboard Pre-College Summer Program