In developing relationships with friends and classmates being a good communicator is really important. Even when you are dealing with more formal relationships like the ones you develop with your favorite teachers, a coach, or a mentor, communication is key. The way you communicate says a lot about who you are and can give you insights into what you do well and what you need to improve upon. Keep in mind that communication is not just what you say. You communicate with your body language, your tone, and your face all the time.
Grab a pen and sheet of paper. Take the quiz below to learn about your communication style.
Using a scale of 0-5 rate yourself on each of the following questions.
0= never 1= rarely 2= sometimes 3 = often 4=very often 5= always
- I try to predict the outcome of conversations I plan to have with others and deal with any potential confusions up front.
- When I write an email or a note I give background information so the message is clear and understood.
- If I don’t understand something, I keep it to myself and figure it out on my own later.
- I am surprised when someone thinks I am being unclear and doesn’t understand what I have said.
- I say what I am thinking. If the person I am talking to doesn’t understand they will figure it out eventually.
- When people talk to me I try to see their perspective and be empathetic to their needs.
- When I complete an assignment I scan it for typos and then turn it in.
- When I am talking to someone I try to read their body language.
- I like to use charts or diagrams to show what I am thinking in projects or presentations.
- Before I have to present something in class, I think about what I need to say and how I am going to say it.
- When I am in a heated conversation or debate, I think about what I am going to say next and if it clearly conveys my opinion.
- If I need to tell someone something I think about the best way to communicate with the recipient. Should I send a text, email, call or talk to them in person?
- I consider possible barriers (language, age, culture, etc) before I talk to someone.
- I try to help people understand what I am saying by giving them some background information.
- I use text or email to communicate everything – it’s fast and easy.
Score Report: Add up your score and read the corresponding note below.
Score 0-35
Your communication skills are a work in progress. You may find it hard to communicate or get frustrated easily when someone doesn’t understand what you are trying to say. You may need to work on using multiple avenues of communication, reading body language, and listening well.
The good news it that, by paying attention and working on your communication skills you can be more effective at school and at home. Skip down to read some tips or sign up for our program this summer. We will be holding multiple workshops on communication to help you improve this skill.
Score 36-52
You’re a competent communicator! You can get your point across and receive positive feedback from your peers. However, sometimes you may experience some communication problems. When communicating with someone be sure to think about your approach. Ask yourself if your are being clear and concise? You would benefit from workshops on becoming a better communicator, speaking with impact, and listening well. Check out the tips below or sign up for one of our sessions this summer so you can become an even better communicator.
Score 53+
You’re an excellent communicator! You understand how to present your message so it is understood and received by your peers. You listen well, think before you talk, and take any barriers into consideration before you communicate. Communication is an important skill to have and maintain throughout life. Check out our tips below or sign up for a session this summer so you can continue to develop your ability to communicate with others.
Quick Tips:
- Plan your message. What do you want to say? How are you going to say it? Consider who you are communicating with and what they need to best understand.
- Anticipate reactions. What are potential questions your audience may have? Develop answers to potential questions or include them in your initial plan.
- Choose the right channel. Does text messaging really make sense? It might be easy and quick, but does it help you convey your message? Picking the right avenue to communicate will help eliminate miscommunications and frustrations.
- Be mindful of tone. Tone is often the reason things go wrong or get misinterpreted. Tone communicates feelings, when words do not. Listen for your parents or friends tone and be mindful of the tone you use when you talk to them.
- Seek feedback. Always look for body language from others. How are they interpreting your message? Are they defensive? Bored? Excited? Adjust accordingly.
It can take a lot of effort to communicate with others effectively. However, you need to be able to communicate well if you are going to take advantage of the opportunities ahead of you. Developing your communication skills can be a springboard towards success and personal growth. Join us this July to gain access to more tools, tips and strategies for being the best communicator you can be.