Sample Schedule

7:00am – 8:00am Wake Up

Rise and shine! This hour is at the student’s discretion – whether they only need 15 minutes to get ready for the day or 45, use this time to shower, get dressed, and prepare for class and the day’s activities!

8:00am – 9:00am Breakfast

Eggs? Pancakes? Cereal? There’s something for all – start the morning off right with breakfast in the dining hall! Students do not need to be at the dining hall for breakfast right at 8AM. They can arrive any time after 8AM, but should allow themselves enough time to eat and walk to class so that they’re on-time every day. On-time means they’re in their seat and ready to go at 9AM, not walking through the door at 9AM.

9:00am – 12:00pm Academic Course

Grab your laptop, make sure it’s charged, and get ready to learn! Class starts promptly at 9AM. Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to go at 9AM. There is no class on the last Friday of the program, as that is the move-out day, and class on the first Monday starts at 10AM, to allow for an all-student orientation at 9am. For the first few days of the program, students will walk in groups to their classrooms with one of our resident advisors. After a few days, the students are free to walk themselves to class once they’re comfortable.

12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch

Pizza, pasta, salad, and more! Lunch at the dining hall follows the same structure as breakfast. Students are given a window of time to walk to the dining hall and eat lunch. Their dining card will only work during this hour-long window. On some days, Summer Springboard will give the students cash to have lunch off-campus within the boundaries. We do this to teach students basic budgeting techniques and give them more of an opportunity to explore the campus area, and for variety!

1:30pm – 3:00pm True You/ Academic Excursions or Guest Speaker/ RA led activity

Depends on the day! True You sessions are an integral part of a student’s SSB program. Sessions focus on the college search and application process, personality assessments, and more! Sessions will include presentation-style learning, as well as small group breakouts and reflection time. RA-led activities have included campus scavenger hunts, field/lawn games, and other fun. Wednesday afternoons are blocked out for academic activities for the respective courses, whether that comes in the form of an off-site excursion to a local business, a visit on-campus by a guest speaker/presenter, or a mock practical activity on-campus for the entire class.

3:00pm – 5:00pm Afternoon Elective/True You

Electives meet a total of four times over the course of the program and complement the students’ experience overall on a smaller scale. Choose an elective that relates to the academic course enrolled in, or something completely different  – the choice is yours! In the past, we’ve offered Creative Writing, Community Service, Public Speaking, Life Skills, Outdoor Athletics, and Photography as elective options. Students have the same elective each time they convene, however, different topics will be covered throughout the elective. Wednesday afternoons are blocked out for academic activities for the respective courses, whether that comes in the form of an off-site excursion to a local business, a visit on-campus by a guest speaker/presenter, or a mock practical activity on-campus for the entire class.

6:00pm Commuter Students Depart

Commuter students join us Monday through Friday 9AM to 6PM only. Commuter students are expected to be at the designated commuter pick-up location no later than 5pm. We’ll see you tomorrow!

6:00pm – 7:00pm Dinner

Enjoy dinner in the dining hall, or off-campus! Similar to lunch, most days we’ll eat in the dining hall, but occasionally we’ll give the students cash to eat off-campus within the boundaries.

7:00pm – 8:30pm Evening Activities

Enjoy an hour of fun and community-building with everyone! In the past, evening activities have included scavenger hunts, talent shows, karaoke, capture the flag, lawn games, and other fun activities!

8:30pm – 9:30pm Free Time

Students can relax and recharge in their room, hang out in the lounge with friends, play games outside, explore campus, explore off-campus within the boundaries, etc.! As long as students are staying within the boundary limit and are in groups of three (when applicable), they can enjoy their free time as they desire in a safe and healthy manner.

10:00pm Residential students back in Dorm room

Students are required to be back on campus at 9:30pm, returning to their dorm rooms at 10pm.

10:30pm Room Check – Quiet Hours

You don’t have to go to sleep, but you do need to be in your dorm room/suite! Past 10PM, students need to remain in their room/suite for the duration of the night until the next morning for safety and accountability. The days are long, so it’s important to be well rested for tomorrow.