LAST UPDATED: April 27, 2021

- Status = We regret to inform Georgetown will only host programs serving Georgetown undergraduates students, and has decided to cancel all other in-person programs on its campus this summer.
- However, we will run an online version of the program called Summer Immersion Academy.
- We encourage families to enroll in one of the exciting program options below.
Option 1: Choose Another Campus
At this point in time, we are actively planning for in-person, campus-based programs in Boston, UCLA, and San Diego. Please review our COVID webpage for the latest program and course availability. In Boston, students live and study on the campus of Simmons University in the heart of Boston. We have a group of high caliber instructors from Harvard and MIT and other top universities.
- Biology & Medicine in Los Angeles (6/27-7/9, 7/11-7/23): Students will discover the biology behind disease and medicine and learn from a professional drug hunter and co-inventor on multiple drug patents. Click here for more info.
- Biotechnology in San Diego (7/25-8/6): In partnership with the biotech company Zenobia Therapeutics, work alongside scientists discovering treatments for neurodegenerative diseases and Parkinson’s disease research. This is a unique opportunity to work in a biotech lab with state-of-the-art equipment. Click here for more info.
- Business & Entrepreneurship in Los Angeles (6/27-7/9, 7/11-7/23): Students will learn from a business owner, college professor, and consultant who specializes in program, fund, and non-profit development for businesses of all sizes. Click here for more info.
- Business & Entrepreneurship in Boston (7/4-7/16, 7/18-7/30): Students will learn from an Ivy League educated instructor currently teaching at MIT Sloan School of Management and tour the MIT Delta V Accelerator and Cambridge Innovation Center. Click here for more info.
- Computer Science in Los Angeles (6/27-7/9): Students will dive into data science, machine learning, and AI with an Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science and a Research Scientist at the Center for Smart Health at UCLA. Click here for more info.
- Drone Cinematography in San Diego (7/25-8/6): Students will be ready to test for their certified amateur drone pilot’s license, as well as discover the impact drones are having on film media, engineering, and business. Click here for more info.
- Emergency Medicine in Los Angeles (6/27-7/9, 7/11-7/23): Students will climb into an ambulance, learn how things operate in emergency situations, and gain hands-on skills from an EMT Clinical Instructor at UCLA. Click here for more info.
- Emergency Medicine in San Diego (7/25-8/6): Students will learn from a Stanford educated emergency medicine physician, train at the UCSD Simulation Center, and tour Mercy Air, an air ambulance service. Click here for more info.
- Emergency Medicine in Boston (6/20-7/2, 7/4-7/16, 7/18-7/30): Students will learn from a Harvard trained instructor currently working with Doctors Without Borders, perform medical simulations at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, a nationally-recognized teaching hospital, and visit Harvard Medical School. Click here for more info.
- Filmmaking in Los Angeles (6/27-7/9, 7/11-7/23): Students will learn from an adventure photographer and videographer, and also visit Warner Brothers studio or another film studio, production facility or a motion picture business in LA. Click here for more info.
- Finance & Investing in Boston (6/20-7/2, 7/4-7/16): Students will learn from a lecturer at Northeastern University’s School of Business who has also served in global executive roles in risk management at Moody’s Analytics, Accenture, and Risk Capital LLC. Click here for more info.
- Fundamentals of Engineering in Los Angeles (6/27-7/9): Students will learn from an engineering professor with over 15 years of teaching experience in the Greater Los Angeles area. Click here for more info.
- Fundamentals of Engineering in San Diego (7/25-8/6): Students will learn from an instructor with 50 years of experience as a university professor, senior technical consultant, and registered professional engineer. Click here for more info.
- Fundamentals of Engineering in Boston (7/4-7/16, 7/18-7/30): Students will learn fundamental principles behind mechanical, civil, and biomechanical engineering with a Lecturer and Design Education Practitioner at MIT. Click here for more info.
- Psychology & Neuroscience in Los Angeles (6/27-7/9, 7/11-7/23): Students will explore the world of the mind and it’s powerful impact on human behavior with a Ph.D. candidate in Social Psychology at USC. Click here for more info.
- Psychology & Neuroscience in San Diego (7/25-8/6): Students will learn from a psychology instructor with over 20 years of teaching experience at various colleges and universities in the coastal San Diego area. Click here for more info.
- Psychology & Neuroscience in Boston (6/20-7/2, 7/4-7/16, 7/18-7/30): Students will learn from a Harvard University instructor and Ph.D. candidate and winner of the Goethals Teaching Prize. Click here for more info.
- Trial Law in Boston (6/20-7/2, 7/18-7/30): The same instructor from our Yale program will teach at our Boston program. Students will learn from a lecturer at Tufts University and Harvard educated criminal defense lawyer who has argued before the Supreme Court. Click here for more info.
Option 2: Switch to an Online Program
Don’t think of these programs as just another online course! They’re stimulating, interactive programs taught by our top professors and experts.
- Business & Entrepreneurship – Dr. Tina Klein, UCSD
- Computer Science – Dr. Qi Zhao, UCLA
- Creative Writing – Dr. Lisa Acerbo, Published Author
- Emergency Medicine – Cheryl Burke, Northeastern University
- Fundamentals of Engineering – Dr. Joshua Ramos, MIT
- Psychology & Neuroscience – Rob Cortes, Georgetown University
- Trial Law – Artem Joukov, JD, University of Southern California
We encourage you to join the Summer Immersion Academy program where you will spend two weeks diving deep into one academic area with a leading expert all from the comfort of your home.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 858-780-5660