Physics & Quantum Computing

Discover the limitless potential of Quantum Computing and the revolution that will shape the future of technology.

Summer program for teens to immerse themselves in the revolutionary technology of quantum computing.

Program Highlights

Learn accessible, yet challenging, introductory material in the fields of physics and quantum computing.
Cover topics such as quantum mechanics, quantum information science and computation, and quantum hardware.
Discover why having a foundational understanding of quantum computing will be important to politicians, public health researchers, and quantum engineers.
Develop skills in quantum computing - the technology of the future!

Residential tuition:

Commuter Tuition:


Session 3:
June 30, 2024 July 12, 2024

Session 5:
July 14, 2024 July 26, 2024


Berkeley, CA


  • "This was one of the most enriching and enjoyable experiences I have ever had over any of my summers. I learned a ton and made so many memories and friendships over the last 2 weeks. I am so sad to leave but I’m happy knowing I had a fulfilling time here!"

    Elizabeth S.

  • "I really enjoyed my Summer Springboard experience! It was such a welcoming environment and I made friends I plan to stay in contact with for years to come. The course load was enough to give me a taste of the college experience, while still allowing for a fun summer."

    Rena C.

  • "Summer Springboard expertly combines the worlds of academia and summer fun."

    Taylor R.

Course Overview

Quantum computing is going to revolutionize the field of technology over the next decade. What is quantum computing? It is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems that are too complex for classical computers. The tools being used in this field were just imagination three decades ago. Superconducting quantum processors are being designed by companies like IBM to build superconducting quantum processors that will supply quantum computing speed and capacity that will change the world. This course will help prepare the next generation of students with the quantum knowledge and skills. This course will introduce key quantum computing concepts, like superposition and entanglement. Students will also explore quantum phenomena and applications. They will learn from curriculum designed by leading experts in academia and the quantum computing industry.

Meet your instructor

Mark Hannum

Physics & Quantum Computing

Mark Hannum holds his MS in Applied and Engineering Physics from George Mason University and his BA in Mathematics and Physics. He is an accomplished educator and physicist, and has over 20 years of experience teaching both in high school and at American University.

Learn more

Topics you'll explore

Hands on Learning

Students in this course will work individually and in groups on activities that explain the foundational concepts and differences in classical and quantum computing. In the past, students were tasked with creating a program that could perform basic quantum operations and visualize quantum circuits. They also explored the implications of quantum computing in cryptography.

Course Structure

There are nine 3-hour class sessions over the two-week course. During week one, students have class from 9am-12pm Monday - Friday. During week two, students have class from 9am-12pm Monday through Thursday. Wednesday afternoons of each week are dedicated to students' course-specific academic excursion, guest speaker, or activity.

Career Exploration

Berkeley is located near the heart of Silicon Valley, which provides opportunities for students to interact with professionals in the quantum computing field. Students in the past have had the opportunity to tour the Haeffner Trapped Ion Lab and meet with post graduate researchers in the field.

Get started today

Summer Springboard Pre-College Summer Program